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How To Fill in an Application Form

You may be applying for jobs, and suddenly faced with an application form rather than a request for your CV. How can you fill in an application form for success?

More and more companies are now using application forms in their recruitment process as they provide a consistent platform to collate the same information for each person who applies. While a CV is still very important to have, an application form gives the recruiter the opportunity to ask the specific information they require and filter out those individuals more committed to the process. More often than not, application forms also require you submit a CV as well.

Below are 8 key tips to guide you when completing an application form:

1. Be Prepared

Have your most recent CV and all the relevant information about the position to hand, including the job advert. It is also beneficial to have a pen and paper at the ready so you can jot down notes. Ensure you are in a quiet environment so you are not disturbed. You need to make sure you match your experience to the job description and do not just copy and paste everything into the application form blindly.

When applying for any role always tailor your CV/Application form.

2. Read Through the Job Application Questions

Some applications will let you download the application so you can read through all the information required. However, with others you will have to save each section before you can view the next section. But at the beginning of the application it should explain what is going to be required and will allow you to identify the requirements for additional information, in particular competency-based questions.

3. Type Don’t Write

Most applications whether they are online or on a paper form will allow you to type into them. You should use this method rather than hand-writing so you can ensure there is not a risk of the recruiter misunderstanding your writing. This also means if you make a spelling mistake you can just delete rather than starting all over again.

4. Draft Your Answers

It is a good idea to draft your answers in a separate document so you can proof read them ensuring they are free of spelling and grammatical mistakes. This could also assist you in completing future application forms. Importantly, you can check the word count - something which digital applications normally restrict to avoid ‘war and peace’ and to keep answers focused.

5. Typical Information Required

Nearly all applications will require you to input you personal information (names, address, phone number, email etc), education details (subjects, grades and institutions), previous positions held (you will need dates of when you worked and possibly the employer’s address) and you could be asked if you have driver’s licence etc. Be accurate as you may be asked to provide education certificates or licences as part of the screening process when it reaches the interview stage.

6. Competency-Based Questions

Competency based questions are where the recruiter will ask you questions to help them gain a deeper understanding of your skills and experience. These will be defined according to what is important within the responsibilities of the job you are applying for. The trick is to be SPECIFIC and succinct with your answers. Make sure you use the STAR approach to structure your answers.

7. Personal Statement

Most application forms ask for additional information to support your application whether that is additional qualifications, achievements, extra-curricular activities or a personal statement of your attitude, passion and commitment to the field or role. This is often an underutilised aspect in an application form so make sure you put something in that is relevant. Think about the company you are applying for, the role and what is required for the job covering your attitude, technical skills and interpersonal skills and try capture it succinctly. This is the one last opportunity to secure an interview so make sure you use it.

8. Keep a Copy

Make sure you save a copy of the application so you have this for future reference and can read through it prior to interview. Sometimes after submitting it you may lose your access to the portal or forget your login password to the account. Better to be safe rather than sorry!

Hopefully these tips help guide you when completing application forms and ensure you have the best chance of securing that interview.

*Emma Alkirwi is the Managing Director of the CV Guru which is a leading service provider of professionally written CVs, LinkedIn Profiles, cover letters and they also provide specialist consultancy services.