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Flexible Working Request Letter

Do you want to make a flexible working request? If so, you will have to make a formal request in writing. Use our letter template to guide you.

Making a Flexible Working Request

The term 'flexible working' can cover a range of different working patterns, or location.

For example it could be part time hours, but it could also be flexi-time, compressed working hours (ie fitting full time hours into less days), job sharing, working from home or even annualised hours where you might work more hours in the Summer than Winter, for example, but get paid the same each month.

When you are ready to request flexible working from your employer, you will have to make a formal request in writing. Below is a letter template, along with suggestions of things you should think about in order to make your case for flexible working.

Recipient's Name
Company / Employer's Name
Post Code


Dear [insert name]


This is a request under section 80F Employment Rights Act 1996, for flexible work.

[I have not previously made a request under section 80F Employment Rights Act 1996.]


[I have previously made a request under section 80F Employment Rights Act 1996 on [Date]]

My current working pattern is…

(note – there is no requirement to explain your current working pattern but it seems sensible to do so)

I would like my new working pattern to be…

[Insert details of working pattern e.g. reduced hours, homeworking, job-sharing etc].

I think the effects the new pattern would have on the business would be.....


Think about how it will work with your job - do you know if there are any set days when you have regular meetings? Days when you must do set work e.g. reports - make it as hard as possible for your employer to reject your application on such reasons.

Think about others’ working patterns – if you know there are already others in your office that have a day off, then perhaps think about a working pattern which will complement their hours, and provide more cover for the business overall. Employers will need to have sufficient cover, so by offering alternative days this shouldn’t be a reason for them to reject your request.

One of the key reasons flexible working is rejected is businesses believe that meeting customers’ needs and supporting business, maybe be compromised. Turn this into a positive for example, “by accepting my desires to work at different times will help to extend opening hours or increase service levels.”

Flexible working can be used as a recruitment and retention tool i.e. my new pattern will enable me to stay at work, and still manage my other responsibilities, ensuring a fair work- life balance.

I think these effects could be dealt with by…

Some examples are

  • I have cover from other colleges/ teams I will be in [xx] other days to ensure I am available to answer queries/ pick up calls/ deal with [ ]
  • The day I am requesting off is a day where not many people will take leave
  • I am asking to take less of a lunch break, this will allow me too (cover others phone, pick up queries when others won’t be available)
  • I am asking to work from home [xx] days a week, meaning I won’t be in the office but I am still available to do my work in the same way, it just allows me to avoid a long commute (or other reason)

I am asking for this request to…

Note – while there is no requirement to do so, the ACAS guidance suggests that employees should state if their request is made in relation to the Equality Act. It may help an employer decide your application if they understand the reasons behind it.

I would like the new working pattern to come into force on [date]

Note – the change is a permanent change to your terms and conditions unless agreed otherwise.

Yours sincerely

Your Name
CC HR Department

This article was first published on, who's assets were acquired by 55/Redefined in 2024.

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