Meet People. Ask Questions. Get Paid.

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Want A Part Time Job Evenings & Weekends But Don't Want To Work From Home? Read On....

If you’re good with people, like to chat, and listen, a job as a market researcher could be right up your street!

There are no age or experience barriers to entry here but you must be eligible for work in the UK, have a car and an internet connection at home.

Plus if you feel strongly that it’s time the truth of the public voice is heard, and you want to play a part AND GET PAID for it, this is definitely for you.

We will send you all the info - just give us your email.

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Here’s Why There’s Market Research Jobs Going

There’s a lot going on - political uncertainty, recession looming, cost of living crisis and all off the back of Brexit and a pandemic.

What people think, and sharing this with the powers that be – is needed more than ever.

With your help – you can make public opinion can count.

If the corners of your mouth are turning up reading this or your head nods, you get it. - contact us to find out more.

Why Now? Isn't There A Recession On?

Door-to-door canvassers have been knocking on doors for years, and there used to be a bank of part-time workers available. But - there’s now a shortage of canvassers, because people had to look for different kinds of work during the pandemic.

There’s a big need for companies like the one we're working with to recruit, Ipsos Mori Polls, to build a bank of canvassers backup. You may have heard of them? They're a great company to work for, have been around for years - and they really do look after their staff.

They are looking for experienced people who like to get out and about, talk to the general public and ask questions.

Is this you?

Coming Back To Work After A Break?

No problem.

Did you know that since the pandemic, the world of work has changed in your favour. Whether you haven’t worked in a while, were looking after a loved one, were ill yourself, retired but miss interacting with people, or your pension isn’t enough to live on anymore with the price of things these days - that’s not going to be a problem.

None of these reasons should stop you from making an application.

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What Makes Canvassing An interesting And Worthwhile Job?

Imagine ringing the doorbell and being able to record the person’s point of view on matters that are important to them?

Sure, not everyone will say yes – but because you know you can make them feel comfy from the off, you can get them to talk.

Your new job will be to chat with neighbours about the state of the country!

Apply Now – Especially If You Are Over 50!

Welcome to 2022 where your age is your superpower! Did you know that candidates who apply who are over 50 are best suited to this job?

All those years of life experience make you a very good applicant for this kind of work.

As an employer, Ipsos Mori Polls recognise this as well.

We say it's about time too!

If you’re looking to come back to work, then you can throw away the 9-5 and commuting to the office and you don't have to stay indoors and work either! You can get out and about.

It’s no secret that we’re all living longer, and retirement at 55 is no longer an option. Most of us will have to work well into our 70s.

So, if you took early retirement during the pandemic for whatever reason, and are now ready to come back to work – you’re welcome to apply.

What’s in it for you?

Training - You will get pre-job training, on-the-job support, and get paid a decent wage.

Hours to suit – There’s flexibility on which evening or weekend shift you can do.

Teamwork - You’ll also be part of a supportive team working in a company that prides itself on looking after its employees.

Why you? Are you right for the job?

YES. If you have read this far then your confidence should be building that this is for you to find out more.

APPLY NOW and we will send you the application form for your area. That's why we're asking for the first part of your postcode (for example, enter RH12).

We need to know the closest town to where you live, because you don’t want to get a job in Glasgow if you are in Lands End!

By entering your details, you agree to our terms and conditions. Rest assured that we operate a strict no-spam policy. We do not rent, sell or share your details with anyone. You will receive the occasional jobs and lifestyle newsletters that we trust will be useful for you. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.

About us

55/Redefined works on behalf of carefully selected companies who are Age-Inclusive Accredited employers and genuinely looking for candidates over-50. By entering your details, you agree to be contacted Jobs/Redefined on behalf of 55/Redefined by email, to receive information on this role. Ipsos, the company we are working with to share information on Market Researchers, will be in touch to discuss open vacancies you might be interested in. They are also advertised on our job board, at You will also receive news from our lifestyle site on career helps and advice for over-50s. There is no obligation and you can unsubscribe at any time from our communications. However - we hope that you do find this information useful and the job roles right up your street - we'd love to know how you get on, too.


The materials and content and links on this page and on the,, and sites (operated by 55/Redefined) do not constitute any form of legal or independent professional, financial advice, recommendation, representation, endorsement or arrangement by 55/Redefined and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making (or not making) a specific investment or any other decision.