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Kevin Gaskell, 64: "I Don't Believe Anything's Impossible"

Kevin Gaskell, 64, continues to quash age stereotypes. As an author, athlete and businessman, he was also the youngest managing director of Porsche, Lamborghini and BMW. He believes ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results, and he doesn’t just talk the talk.

Annette Corbett
Annette Corbett
Annette Corbett is a freelance writer, and contributor to 55 Redefined, Reworked and more recently Raconteur for The Times.

Kevin Gaskell believes ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results, and he doesn’t just talk the talk. At 64, the author of Inspired Leadership: How You Can Achieve Extraordinary Results in Business and Catching Giants - who was the youngest managing director of Porsche, Lamborghini and BMW, leading all three companies to record growth and performance - has been a CEO for over 30 years and has developed and led multiple businesses across a range of different industries.

Explorer, sportsman, entrepreneur, redefiner, businessman and professional speaker, Kevin Gaskell shares some of his wisdom and knowledge with us! 👏

Posted by Life/Redefined on Thursday, January 5, 2023

His first book, Inspired Leadership, shares the proven methods he has consistently applied in business, from how he rescued Porsche from near failure, turning it into one of the most profitable car companies in the market, to founding a string of internationally successful enterprises.

These days Kevin’s focus has shifted to passing on his considerable skills, knowledge and experience to help people avoid the mistakes he made along the journey and asserts that: “This is what success looks like to me now. I’m not afraid anymore, I’m not afraid of failure and I’m not afraid to help people move forward. I’m an expert in not only rescuing businesses from the brink of disaster, but also in turning them into long term profitable enterprises. It’s earned me the nickname ‘the business fixer’!”

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But his zest for life and challenging the status quo doesn’t stop with his successful career. Growing up in North Wales was perhaps the catalyst for his keen sense of adventure, during which he feels at his most relaxed and creative and where he truly walks the walk.

Exploits go back as far as 2000 and include ‘the world’s toughest row’, an unsupported rowing trip across the Atlantic as part of the Ocean5 crew during 2020.

“We covered 3,000 miles across 100 million square miles of ocean between Spain and the Caribbean. Landing in Antigua after 35 days, 19 hours and 50 minutes of non-stop rowing we won our race and set the new World and Guinness record for the fastest ever five-man crossing. This expedition, and the business lessons from it, form the basis of my latest book Catching Giants where I’ve brought the lessons I’ve learned in business and applied them to planning, preparing and practising for a mammoth challenge. How to take on impossible challenges and win.”

Through this inspiring story of triumph over seemingly impossible odds, Kevin has shared the 80 world-beating lessons that he and his team used to beat the best at their own game.

In 2017, Kevin took up the challenge of climbing the Carastensz Pyramid as part of a four-man team, the peak of which stands at over 16,000 feet.

“We trekked in through the Sudirman jungle before successfully summitting the peak and as we returned from the mountain, we found ourselves caught up in a separatist/ militia gunfight which added a certain spice to the expedition.”

Training for this event included the ascent of Ben Nevis, which stands at 4,413 feet high!

Kevin’s passion for adventure also has a deeply personal driver, following the loss of his sister to cancer. He has walked to both the North and South Poles, as well as climbing the world’s highest mountains to raise money for a new cancer treatment centre.

He has also worked with Alan Chambers MBE to develop Extreme Classroom, to make a difference to vulnerable teenagers.

“A physically and emotionally testing expedition, the students were supported to develop their skills and confidence in conditions and situations which challenged them to their core.”

You won't be at all surprised that Kevin believes the concept of “impossible” is more dare, than declaration. “A word used by people who find it easier to live in a world they’ve been given, rather than explore the power they have to change it.”

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