Gail McNeill poses in a cowboy hat next to a mountain.
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Redefiner Gail McNeill: "Every Day is an Opportunity to Start a New Life"

At 56, Influencer Gail McNeill is living her best life. On her Instagram, Fifty Sister, she has over 103K followers who love her zest for life and positivity around all things life and ageing. Plus, she's just published her first book, The Midlife Edit.

At 56, Influencer Gail McNeill is living her best life. On her Instagram, Fifty Sister, she has over 103K followers who love her zest for life and positivity around all things life and ageing. Plus, she's just published her first book, The Midlife Edit.

"My advice to anyone who wants to redefine their life is to just do it," says Gail." Don't overthink it. Let go of everything you don't need and start again. Every day is an opportunity to start a new life."

Here Gail Shares Her Top Things That You're Never Too Old To Do...

1. To learn something new. I didn't learn to snowboard until I was 40 years old. So now there's no limits, if I want to learn it, I'm going to learn it.

2. You are never too old to give yourself a life makeover. If there's something you don't like about it, change it.

3.. You're never too old to change your eating habits. I became vegan when I was 48, and when I was 54, I started intermittent fasting.

4. You're never too old for a bikini. I don't care what anyone says, there is no age limit. People say, "Oh, you can't wear a bikini after the age of 40." Where's the rule book, show it to me? I will never be too old for a bikini.

5. You are never too old to start exercising. It's really important to be lean and strong and fit to keep your mobility into later life.

6. You're never too old to take up new hobbies and learn new skills. You want to learn to paint? Do it. You want to become a potter? Do it. You wanna write poetry? Go for it.

Gail McNeill on a bicycle on holiday.

7. You're never too old for wearing colourful clothing. I know a lot of people as they get older, they embrace greys and beige and black, but I'm wearing pink into my 80s and beyond. I want to be the crazy, colourful old lady with the silver hair and tons of stories that I just won't stop telling people when they come to the old person's home to see me.

8. Never too old to learn a new language. I'm currently learning Portuguese. I have to say it is pretty difficult. I speak a little bit of Italian and Spanish and French, but Portuguese, the pronunciation is quite tricky. But I'm sure I'm going to master it before I'm 80. So definitely not too old to learn a new language.

9. You're never too old to start a new business. Over the past couple of years, I've started a digital art business, affiliate business on my website and also a T-shirt printing business. And I've got so many more ideas that I know are gonna come to fruition over the next few years.

10. You're never too old to start a social media account. I know that when I started, I thought nobody would follow me, and here I am a couple of years later with 100,000 followers on Instagram. So if you like talking and you want to meet people from all over the world, definitely start a social media account today.

11. You are never too old to have long hair. I know a lot of women, I say age, cut their hair short and that's because I think it's been damaged from all of the colouring that they've done over so many years. So embrace your silver sparkles and keep your hair for as long as you can, as long as you can.

12. You're never too old to pick up old hobbies again. Age 54, I bought myself a bike, a road bike, and, aged 55, I bought myself a mountain bike. I go off for hours cycling alone, and I absolutely love it. I regret not buying a bike again sooner.

13. You are never too old for lipstick. I absolutely love lipstick. I can remember the first lipstick I bought when I was 14, it was a beautiful raspberry colour, and I am going to wear lipstick until the day I die. That's how much I love lipstick.

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We are big believers that you should be able to design a life you love and not stick to a linear path, especially when it comes to your career choices. In fact, we'd go as far to say that the concept of retirement in its current form needs to be retired. Yes, that's right, there's no rulebook here!